Sunday, February 27, 2011

Great Wall Completed

Mia recently went to China after the completion of the Great Wall. She spoke about all the horrible conditions Emperor Qin had forced upon the people building the wall. Emperor Qin ruled with an iron fist. He ordered over 300,000 thousand men and slaves to create the Great wall of China. The wall was 1,500 miles long and took less than ten years to complete. Over a million worker had to be housed, clothed, and fed. The conditions were horrible, hours were long, and food was meager. Roughly 400,000 workers died from hunger or exhaustion. Others were punished and killed if found napping, and the runners were hunted and killed. Many bodies have been buried in the Great Wall of China. Mia was horrified by what she saw. Many men were very thin and hungry. The workers had to carry stone and gravel, clay, and sand in baskets by hand. Qin had the wall made to keep Mongolians out of China. Mia enjoyed her trip to China, but was sad by the conditions of workers.
  • Beacon towers to protect raiders from entering the country.
  • The Great wall snakes through the mountains from norther china 1500 miles.
  • Workers connected several existing walls to form one single massive wall.
  • The Great wall is nearly 30 feet high and at most points it is wide enough to allow five horse to run atop it side by side.
  • The Great wall was not a complete success because it never  really kept out invaders, and many workers died on the long  journey to the Wall.

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