Sunday, February 27, 2011

Qin Interview

Me: Emperor Qin, Were there any other methods of keeping people in or out you considered other than building a wall?

Qin: They would need A I.D or paper somewhere they could say that I live in China. Or you could need some person to say you belong there.

Me: What were you hoping to achieve by burning books?  Do you think it was success?

Qin: I burned the books because I didn’t want them to compare them to other leaders and find that I was not a good leader. I thought it was success because I kept out other ideas and I gave me more power.

Me: Why did you have a terracotta army in your tomb? Were they there to protect anything important?

Qin: I put it there to protect me and also to guard me. They were there to protect me and keep me safe and not steal anything.

Me: Was changing the many languages to on languages helpful for running provinces

Qin: It was helpful not to remember too many languages we removed witting symbols I made to easy to talk.

Me: Emperor Qin, why did you disagree with the Confucian scholars and what did you do about it?

Qin: I disagree with Confucian scholars because I don’t think the young minds of kids should be thought by that. And so I killed the scholars.

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